Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

A fantastic website is useless if nobody ever sees it

SEO stands for “search engine optimization”. Simply put, this means optimizing your website’s visibility on the web. When people use search engines (like Google, Bing, and others) to search the web, you want your website to be ranked as high as possible, without having to pay for ranking.

The higher your visibility, the more likely you will grab the attention of prospective customers.

Search engines use “bots” to ‘crawl’ the web, going from site to site collecting information about your web pages and putting them into an index.  This index serves as a giant library where one can quickly pull up information on any subject or web page.

Since people try to cheat the system to get higher rankings, the main search engines, like Google and Bing, often change the rules to stop the cheating. At Ken and Linda Designs, LLC, we are researching what the main search engines require and apply it to your website so we can get you the best possible results.

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